Friday, July 20, 2012

Braves Game

Mish, Thomas, Chad, and I went to a Braves game!  It was SO VERY HOT!  My clothes were sticking to me and the air was thick. 

To make matters worse, it rained.  No, it stormed for a few hours before the game began.  Since we were there early, we got to see some of batting practice and then we watched as they tarped the infield.
Closer to game time, they untarped the field and then hosed it down. It perplexed me somewhat to watch them do that. 
Anyway, the Braves started the game and then the strangest thing happened.  The power went out in the stadium.  Luckily there was still some daylight left and the outage lasted less than 20 minutes but it was still eerie to be in a packed stadium and have the power go out.  The players all had to head to the locker room and security had to take the field.  They asked that everyone try to remain in their seats but that didn't really happen. 
The lights you see in the picture above are the setting sun and the emergency lights that come on in the suites, offices, and other enclosed area in the stadium.  With the dark storm clouds hovering over the top and the thunder rumbling in the distance, it made for one peculiar night.  We stayed until the 8th inning and then headed home.  It was an interesting night to say the least. 

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