Thursday, August 8, 2013

After School

We got her back!

After just over 7 hours, she was with us again!  We couldn't wait to get her!  We wanted to know ALL about her day.  She was in a GREAT mood when we picked her up.  She is waking up earlier in the morning than she ever has and I was expecting her to be tired.  And she was.  Thus, she didn't want to tell us anything except that her day was "Good."  

She eventually started to give us some details from her day and bit by bit we were able to piece together what she did all day.  She was very proud that she got asked to help the teacher and "watch the other kids" at one point in the day.  Family members were calling to ask about her day and she did NOT want to talk it.  In fact, it agitated her!  She would say to us, "I already told you about my day now you can tell them for me!"  She didn't want to be on the phone with anyone!

Her first day in the cafeteria was interesting.  The child next to her bit into their ketchup packet and sprayed ketchup all over her face and hair.  Didn't seem to faze her!  Her white hair bows came home orange tinted.  What a way to start a school year! 
I had the idea to create a "Welcome Home" party for Caleigh when she came home from school.  She loves her Barbies and so Chad and I set up this little scene and she LOVED IT!  
That night I had a folder full of work.....for me!  I thought I had filled out and turned in every single needed paper until she brought home a folder full of more!  Her homework the first day was to tell me  the name of her school and her favorite thing about her day.  Her favorite thing was "that the other kids are so nice."  Let's hope it stays that way!
This is the first thing Caleigh has brought home from school.  She had pictures on the front and the back.
So here are the infamous ketchup stained hair bows.  My mom suggested I make an OXY paste and rub it on and let it sit.  I went to get my OXY and it had fallen behind my washer and dryer.  I asked Chad to get it since he's taller than me.  He couldn't reach it so he tried using a bent coat hanger to help himself.  When he did, he accidentally caused a spark in the back of the dryer and started a lint fire in the dryer.  There were flames and smoke and a horrible smell that followed.  Caleigh was terrified.  Thankfully, there was no real damage and once the breaker was flipped back on, the dryer was working again.  AND Caleigh's hair bows are as good as new!  Maybe even better! 
So this was our very eventful first day of school!  We all went to bed a little frazzled and a little worn out.  Here's hoping that the rest of the school year isn't as traumatic as the first!

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