In the midst of all of our partying hard through the month, Caleigh manages to start feeling badly. This comes as no surprise to me since the 70/80+ days give way to 40/30- nights and drastic temperature changes wreak havoc on Caleigh. After a fever off and on for several days in a row, she took a trip to the doctor who told us it was nothing more than her usual asthma related problems and possibly a virus that had run its course. Back to breathing treatments daily we went and will have to continue to do so a minimum of once a day through the rest of the fall and winter. Thank goodness for Charlie Brown. She will gladly take a treatment if I put an episode of that on for her to watch while she does it. I don't know why she does, but I distinctly remember her doing the exact same thing last year as well!

She was out of school most of the week she had the fever but she was determined for feel better for that Friday since it was "Farm Day" at school. They were all told to dress as farmers and they got to go into the gym and pick an egg from a chicken coop, then crack a real egg, and then watch some eggs being cooked then eat them. I was the lucky mom that got to cook the eggs for the 80 3-year olds that morning. They also got to squeeze oranges followed by drinking orange juice, butter and eat toast, dig through dirt for vegetables, and play with farm toys. All the little ones in their overall, straw hats, boots, and bandannas really did make cooking all those eggs worth it!

Picking a costume for Halloween this year was not as easy as in the past. Formerly, I have been able to just pick out what I wanted her to wear and put it on her. This year, SHE wanted to choose. And rightfully so. We took her to Party City where she stared at the giant wall of pictures of costumes and decidedly picked out the Olivia costume. For those of you who are unfamiliar with preschool television, Olivia is a creative, imaginative, pig who lives with her dad, mom, and two younger brothers and her show is a staple show on the NickJr network since 2009. This was the first year that an Olivia costume was made and they only made it in a toddler size and a kids small. Well, neither of those would fit my little piggy so I resolved that if that was the costume she wanted then I would find a way to make it for her. After searching the internet and coming up with a few ideas, I enlisted the help of the sewing talents of my mother and we went about making her an Olivia costume that would fit her. In the end, I was so pleased with the finished product that I liked it much better than the one we could have bought if they made it a little bit bigger. While many older people had no clue who she was, practically every kid that saw her knew exactly who she was. I loved hearing some little kids squeal in delight to their parents, "Look mom/dad! It's Olivia."

We went to our local library's Halloween party and she got to listen to stories, sing songs, check out decorated pumpkins,

have cookies and juice, and create a paper bag scarecrow puppet. She really enjoyed the evening.

That same weekend we joined Mish in attending a craft fair in Conyers. We shopped and enjoyed some ice cream and italian ice before heading to my mom's house for pizza and a movie. Well, pizza and a nap for Caleigh. She was wore out!

The following week was her fall festival at school where she got to wear her Halloween costume to school for the day. She was very excited about this and really had fun playing the games and winning candy. She was even more excited that I got to come and play with her while she was at school!

We never made it to a pumpkin patch as a family this year but Caleigh did get to go to two earlier in the month so I didn't feel like she was missing out on anything. I went to Wal-Mart and purchased a few very large pumpkins and Caleigh chose what she wanted it to be carved like this year. Her fist Halloween we carved Moose (again from NickJr), her second year it was Wow Wow Wubbzy, last year was Tinkerbell, and this year she chose Ariel. I am not a carver, so Chad gets to try to impress us each year with his design of whatever Caleigh has chosen. He didn't fail this year either. Caleigh thought Ariel was awesome.
We participated in Trick or Treat on the Square in our hometown

and attended the first ever Zombie Walk to the Square in the same weekend.
We went to a church fall festival with the daughters of one of Mish's friends.

And this made the fourth time she had worn her costume and it wasn't even Halloween yet!
On the night of Halloween, she donned her costume and trick or treated at my mom's

and my husband's mom's house.

We met up with one of my friends at his mom's house and we headed to a huge fall festival at her church.

She was supposed to be working the event but they had enough volunteers so she got to hang with us for most of the night. Caleigh wanted to slide down a giant slide but because of her age, they would not let her do it alone. So, I trekked up the slide and slid down with her in my lap. I am pretty sure I gave my friend a really good laugh.
So now, October is over and we are a week into November. I am frantically making party arrangements for Caleigh's 4th birthday and trying to figure our birthday presents and planning for Christmas at the same time. I know everything seems to get all mushed together for a lot of people, but for me, it seems to be jumbled just a little bit more because I have a birthday thrown in the mix too. I have told Chad that from now on I might as well say "Happy HallowBirthdayThanksgiveoChristmasYear" because that is exactly what it feels like!
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