It just so happened that Caleigh's birthday fell on a Saturday this year, so we planned her party for that exact day. I was super excited about her party this year because she gave me a theme that I could do lots of stuff with. She said she wanted an "Under the Sea" party. I asked her if this meant that she wanted an "Ariel" party and she told me "No, Under the Sea, but Ariel can come too." So, I set out to plan an under the sea party. I got ideas from blogs and Pinterest and came up with so many that I had to pick and choose what to use.
First and foremost- her party dress. She told me she wanted to dress like a mermaid princess so I hunted at every clothing store I went to for something I thought she would deem appropriate. I finally found this dress and Caleigh fell in love with it. It hung in her room next to her window for over a month and she called it "My Beautiful Party Dress." She was ecstatic to get to wear it on party day! I also picked up the tights at Party City on clearance right before Halloween. They had Ariel written in glitter on the leg. She loved the glitter flats we got her to go with it, however they didn't stay on very long.
Decorations- Blue and teals were the colors of choice. We donned tables with blue coverings and added foam shells and sea life to them.
The food table contained a treasure chest that had beads, coins, jewels, and rings spilling out of it.
A string of Christmas lights draped the table area.
Centerpieces were made from glass vases holding water with blue food coloring wearing a pair of goggles. The vases were surrounded by chocolate gold coins and beads.
A net was hung over the fireplace and pearlized balloons were stuffed behind it. Over the top of the net was a sea creature banner with her name on it that was created by my mom. I absolutely loved this banner.
Windows and doors were adorned with aquatic window clings and bubble machines greeted guests as well as filled the back yard play area. If you look closely, you can see some of the bubbles in this pic.
Streamers were hung from the ceiling fan to the walls to gave a wave effect overhead.
Chad painted a picture of a mermaid and we cut the face out. We made guests (young and old) pose for pictures behind it.

Food- Since it was an under the sea party, seafood was served. Captain D's fish, shrimp and chicken tenders were on the menu. There were hush puppies galore! "Seaweed dip"-aka spinach dip was a big hit as well. There was a cake made to look like underwater and cupcakes to match it. Of course there were Swedish Fish candies and lots of Goldfish crackers, Goldfish cookies, and Whale Snack Crackers. Cheese balls and applesauce for our littler guests was also served. I always end up having way too much food and this party was no exception. However, I would rather have to much than not have enough any day!
Games- We picked up a stick the crown on Ariel game at Party City the day we got the tights, so this game was essentially the very first thing we planned for her party. She had lots of fun getting dizzy and trying to stick her sticker on Ariel's head.
Even her Granny got in on the action.
Our inflatable jumpy was put up outside and we filled it with sea animal pool toys.
I also bought some AquaSand and set up a table so kids could play with it in small tubs of water.
Another table contained "Edible Sand Art". Baby food jars are filled with colored Pixie Stix candy and then decorated. Kids could take them home and later eat their art.
The swing set also proved to be a big hit that day since the weather turned out to be so beautiful.
Inside, a small baby swimming pool was inflated and ball pit balls were added so that even the littlest guests could have some fun.
Favors- Buckets with the children's names on them were filled with bath toys or outdoor water toys, goggles, Goldfish, and Swedish fish candies.
Presents- Caleigh ened up with so many presents. All I can say is that she is one loved little girl!
I hope she had an amazing birthday! I can't say enough how much I love this precious girl!
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