Have I been too hands on? Coddling her too much? Have I not taught her enough about life so far? Manners? How to act decently around other people her age? Will she respect the teachers and administrators in the way she should?
I somehow feel that all of her behavior will be a direct reflection of myself. I know that this is not entirely the case since I do not often find myself lying on a floor screaming because I didn't get my way (although I am sure there are times when I wish I could do just that). And just because one tantrum gets handled, that doesn't mean that another one isn't going to happen again. They seem to be just part of growing up.
I guess I say all this to say that I seem to be more nervous about her going to preschool than she does. All she seems to really care about is still her "own scissors" (see previous post). I want her to go to preschool and to experience all the exciting social interaction that comes with being a part of a group of similar aged children. I look forward to hearing about her daily adventures from her (and hopefully not from her behavior chart).
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