For the past three days I have got to live my life as if I were a mom of two. I have had my 4 month old niece with me while my sister is at work. Each day, Caleigh still attended preschool until noon. The logisitics of transportation and feedings and napping all had to be worked out with precision in order to avoid epic meltdowns from either child. I was only successful about 60% of the time. The other 40% of the time required me to soothe one or the other or sometimes try to soothe both at the same time!
Fits and tantrums aside, they were both pretty good kids. Caleigh wanted to "help" all the time. If only 3 year olds could make bottles and change diapers! LOL!

The green eyed monster of jealousy reared its ugly head through Caleigh at times and it was very heartbreaking to watch her want my full attention and not be able to give it to her. But it was good for her to realize that she must share me at times. IF I every had another child I can tell that I would be in for a long adjustment period with her.

I did have fun getting to play with them both and I did crash pretty hard on Friday night. And Caleigh was pretty wore out too!
And so did my A/C unit! Uggg! Well not crash totally but it is freezing up! So, now to work on getting that fixed so when I watch them both again next week (my dad is having his chemo treatments so I watch my niece for my mom) we won't sweat to death!

And so did my A/C unit! Uggg! Well not crash totally but it is freezing up! So, now to work on getting that fixed so when I watch them both again next week (my dad is having his chemo treatments so I watch my niece for my mom) we won't sweat to death!
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