Every year Caleigh's preschool holds a Thanksgiving Feast for any and all who want to attend. The ladies who cook at the church make a full Thanksgiving meal every day of the week so that each student's family and friends can join them for a meal. There's turkey, dressing, green beans, macaroni and cheese, cranberry sauce, and sweet potato and pumpkin pies for dessert. The kids make crafts to wear and use for the occasion. Chad was luckily off of the day of the "feast" for Caleigh's class so he got to go with us again this year.
And of course, once everyone has finished eating, a very loud rendition of ring around the rosy starts up.
Friday, November 30, 2012

50 in screen TV Box
Stickers removed and a can of spray paint primer added to darkest spots on the box.
Measurements taken and then then the window cutting begins.
Since the box front became less sturdy after the cutting, molding was cut and added to reinforce the sides.
Clips hold togerther the molding and the box until the glue dries and Caleigh then steps in to verify the height.
Shiny wrapping paper is glued with spray adhesive to the inside back of the box. Light pink paper is wrapped around the rest of the box.
After everything is dried and wrapped, the Barbie sign and the Mattel logo were added.
And while these directions seem super easy and the result is very adorable, I will say that it took me a full 8 hours of working on this project before it was finished.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
After multiple stops on the way to Granny's house due to Caleigh's asthma, we finally made it. Caleigh was excited to get to see her cousins and begin trick or treating. When we got there, Chad pulled out his phone and played the theme song from Jake and the Neverland Pirates as Caleigh approached Granny's front door. She was uber excited.
She was disappointed that Granny did not answer the door. Instead, Megan, Molly, and Mish did, though she was happy to see them as well.
We all ate dinner at Granny's house and Granny gave everyone some Halloween goodie bags.
Then, Shelby and Dakota changed into their costumes and we attempted to take some pictures of the three of them.
Next, the girls loaded up for trick or treating. The first house HAD to be Granny's.
She was disappointed that Granny did not answer the door. Instead, Megan, Molly, and Mish did, though she was happy to see them as well.
We all ate dinner at Granny's house and Granny gave everyone some Halloween goodie bags.
Then, Shelby and Dakota changed into their costumes and we attempted to take some pictures of the three of them.
Next, the girls loaded up for trick or treating. The first house HAD to be Granny's.
While at Granny's front door, Granddaddy came home from work! The girls heard him pulling in and rushed to meet him at his truck. Trick or Treat Granddaddy!
We got the girls to take a few pics with Granny and Granddaddy, (not an easy task)
and then we all hit the street. What used to be an awesome place to trick or treat, now had people turning off their lights and heading inside when they saw us coming. It was very disheartening.
One house just left out toys on the front porch.
Kota liked their ghost.
Another house went and got some candy and asked us to come back.
And that was it. No more houses on that street. So, I invited everyone to join us at a local church for a Trunk or Treat. Molly refused and said she was going to her mother-in-law's house and Megan said she wasn't feeling well and just wanted to go home. Although, Megan and Molly did meet up later and go trick or treating together at Molly's mother-in-law's. Mish decided she would go with us.
When we got to the church, they were packing everything up. They were done earlier than expected. Since Caleigh still wanted to try to trick or treat somewhere, we went to the next closest subdivision. And boy are we glad we did!
That particular subdivision goes all out for Halloween! Their houses are decorated very elaborately, their streets are closed off by local police, and there are children and candy everywhere! We let Caleigh walk the entire neighborhood at her own pace and she had a blast! I think that place may be our destination of choice from now on!
After all the houses had been hit, we still had one more stop before our Halloween night was over,
Nonnie's house!
After visiting with Nonnie for a little while, we called it a night!
And a very Happy Halloween night it was!
Halloween at Caleigh's School
Despite being pretty sick with her asthma and battling strep as well (note the paleness), Caleigh was determined not to miss out on Halloween. On heavy doses of antibiotics and loads of breathing treatments, she bravely woke up and donned her Halloween costume for school.
She had chosen to be Izzy, the pirate princess, from the popular Disney Jr. show, Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
(Sidebar: Once again, she has chosen a costume that is not made in her size. So, with some improvising, we came up with our own version this year too. I think it turned out pretty well.)
Caleigh wasn't quite sure that everyone in her class would recognize her costume. However, when she got to school that morning, one of her classmates had dressed as Jake! When they were together, they made the cutest little pirates!
Chad was off work this day, so we got to spend the entire day together! We went to Caleigh's school to partake in her class fall festival with her.
When we got there, her class was taking pictures.
They were all so very, very cute!
Caleigh was not afraid to pose for a picture with the director of the preschool!
She played games,
and of course had an asthma attack in the 20 minutes her class was in the gym.
After her inhaler and some water she was breathing better again and was so very happy to have her daddy with her at school that day.
Of course, having mom there wasn't so bad either.
After school, it was time for a special Halloween lunch. We took her out for Mexican, which is usually a favorite of hers but she just wasn't in the mood to eat. We took her home and put her down for a nap. When she woke up, she took another breathing treatment and then got re-dressed for a night of Halloween fun!
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